David R. Malmborg

The Desire is Here, the Time is Not!

Dilemma Update: Giving Advice

out stretched hands

Pic by FotoRita on Flickr

Why has it taken me so long to write this? WOW! Finally I have posted it.

So I had a dilemma, and I had some good responses that made me think. I want to thank those who talked to me about the topic.

Here is the initial question: Is there a way to determine who I should and shouldn’t give advice too?

Right of the bat, I was kind of surprised by peoples responses, and I started noticing a trend. In general the people all seemed to feel that advice freely given (without knowing the context of said advice) was viewed negatively. I don’t know for sure, but I feel that if I had labeled the post differently I may have received different answers. For example, think of what you might have said if I titled the post, and built the discussion around a different word such as:

  • Giving Counsel
  • Giving Recommendations
  • Giving Suggestions
  • Giving Tips or Pointers

All of these are different in their own way, yet each are synonyms to each other. I know it is all semantics, but I wonder how different your answers would be in how to appropriately give your “piece of mind.” Do you think it would change at all? Also, do you agree or disagree with me that out of these terms, advice has a more negative connotation that the rest?

Concerning Advice

Most everyone (small sample of course), said that you should ask to give advice, never just throw it out there.

Because of the idea that advice may be seen as negative, it makes more sense that people are very closed and not too accepting to advice when it is freely given. I feel it is for that reason people prefer if you ask before giving advice.

En Fin

Overall, I feel that I need to take it upon myself to become more aware and conscience of how liberal I am with what I have to say. It seems that it is appropriate to ask if I may share my ideas. Whether the matter is huge or just a trifle, I suppose asking would be appropriate in all circumstances. That is my conclusion of my dilemma. Let me know whether you think I am getting it, or I am completely off base here, I may need to update my thought process again.

Thanks again for participating,

Dilemma: Giving Advice

Photo by melodramababs on Flickr

I give advice. I give suggestions. I give support. I give ideas.

However, it has recently come to my attention that not everyone appreciates how openly I give. Does this surprise me? Why, YES IT DOES!

The Dilemma

So my dilemma for today is this: Is there a way to determine who I should and shouldn’t give advice too?

  • Does it matter their personality type?
  • Does it matter whether they are management or subordinate in my relationship with them?
  • Is gender an issue?
  • Or does it just depend on the individual, and I shouldn’t care if they don’t want to hear it, I should give it to them anyways? (my current view point)

As always, I know “Depends” is going to want to be said. I also know that timing may be the key to everything. However, with out those factors involved what else should be determined?

I’m a Communications Major For Cryin’ Out Loud

Human relationships have always been a fascination of mine, particularly human communication methods. So I am genuinely interested in what you have to say on the topic. Later this week (I promise), I’ll give you my in depth take on the topic.

Thanks for participating,

Setting Goals

Photo by nathangibbs of Flickr

Well, it has been about 5 months since I have last written. I told myself that if I started a blog I would make sure to write on it constantly. For some odd reason I feel that is an important step in having a blog. As mentioned in my last post, I have been slavin’ away with two jobs, and it has kept me rather occupied. However, as summer sets in, I feel it is time to move on, settle down and become a one job man.

However, I’m not completely going to just settle down, I have a goal. I have never been a goal setting type. I mean I have life goals such as becoming a concert pianist, a renaissance style marble sculptor, and a millionaire by 30, okay 40 now. But short term goals are something that I just don’t really do. I like not having expectations for the day, and living life with whatever may come my way. However I do have a goal that I have set for the summer (shorter term).

I help hundreds-or-so people make money online every single day. It’s my job, it’s what I do, and if you ask me, I do a bang up job at it too. So the question is, why can’t I help myself make a little money online? Good question, huh? So my goal for the summer of 2010 is to create an online business, and strike it rich (because that is what the internet is for)!

So as I journey through this new adventure, I will be sure to keep my avid readers (Annie by name) up-to-date with my latest developments. Therefore requiring a blog post quite a bit more often then what you have become accustomed to.

Wish me luck, Enjoy!

P.S. If you have suggestion on what I should do to “strike it rich,” feel free to let me know. Just an FYI, if it deals with pills, porn or casino’s the answer is NO! 😉