David R. Malmborg

The Desire is Here, the Time is Not!

By the Sweat of thy Brow

It feels good to be back.

I have changed the tagline to my blog today because it seems to be the theme I have chosen for my life. To me the simple phrase “by the sweat of thy brow” is the ideal way to live. If you think about it, it was the way of life that God commanded Adam to live. So shouldn’t it be appropriate for me to live this way as well?

Over the last 7 months, my wife and I have been spending all our spare time building our house. Not just our own home, but 5 other homes for our neighbors as well. You can get more info on the program here: Rural Housing Development Corporation.

During the ordeal, I was often asked, “is it worth it?” or “would you do it again?” And when you are in the middle of struggles, your patience is wearing thin, and you are dead tired, it honestly was hard to answer that question. But now that all is said and done; I see the friendship that I have with neighbors that I have never had anywhere else. I reflect on all that I have learned, and see all that I have done, and the obvious answer is, YES I would do it again.

Recently, it has left me to wonder if the same question will be asked of us at the end of this life “would you do it again?” How would you answer that question now? I believe the key to answering the question with a “YES” lies in the command to “live by the sweat of your brow.”

Make Everyone Proud

Karl Malone

Malone Rookie Year photo by Deseret News

Friday night, my favorite NBA player was inducted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame, Karl Malone. One major reason I loved Karl so much (outside of his awesome pro wrestling career) was his “go out, work and get it done” attitude.

In his speech Friday, the very last thing he said had a solid impact on me.

“It was not about me, it was about trying to do something that made everyone proud.” -Karl Malone

Make everyone proud. What a way to live. Think about how different your life might be if you lived to make everyone around you proud of you, proud to know you, proud to be associated with you. Sometimes I think that we get so caught up in living for our very own legacy, that we don’t care what others think about how we act or behave.

This wasn’t the only nugget in the speech so I thought I would share it with you. Let me know what part you liked best.

Enjoy, -DRM2

Uncomfortable Conversations

uncomfortable interviews

image by hartboy on Flickr

Here is a quote that has really struck a cord with me.

“A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” – Timothy Ferriss

Think about all of the uncomfortable conversations. Now think of what came about because of those conversations.

  • Job interviews
  • Asking your soon to be Father-in-law for their daughter’s hand in marriage
  • The Proposal
  • Confessions
  • Asking for raises or promotions
  • The “sex talk”
  • Business Partnerships

And it goes on!

Most uncomfortable conversations, I believe, will be the beginning of some great change in your life.

So ask yourself this – when’s the last time you had an uncomfortable conversation?